Common Sense By Thomas Paine Essay

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The main purpose of the American Revolution was to become free from Britain and gain their own independence as a country. And with the help of Spain, France, and the Netherlands, colonists were able to achieve their goal and gain their independence. However, during this time, America was facing a lot of issues regarding the rights of the people living in America as well. In 1776, a man name Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet titled, “Common Sense”, where he argues that the cause of the problem was the ruling system where a king is at the top of the hierarchy and has the power to make all the important decisions, similar to the British. He, as well as other writers, claimed that American liberty was being violated and this, in a way, sparked the …show more content…

The people of America were promised to have equal opportunity and they attempted to fulfill that promise through the Declaration of Indepence. The Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal.” “All men” as in men, women, and children were all considered equal and should have the same opportunity solely based on the idea that everyone is human. In other words, there would be no more social classes where the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. Women, specifically, would have a better chance to compete with men in the labor force, have the opportunity to hold office, and get to vote. Under this idea, people would no longer be treated as objects and slavery would be abolished. Another idea that was promised under the Declaration of Independence would be that people would have unalienable rights that were protected and secured. The government would also make decisions that will benefit the society as a whole and put the people of society first. And finally, the people would be more involved when it came to decisions that were made within the government. For example, when government deems as a threat to the rights of the society, the people would have the right to abolish or change the government and/or create a new government that caters to those