
Common Sense Summary By Thomas Paine

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The pamphlet Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine.It was unanimously ratified in 1776.Thomas Paine was an influential writer and he became one of the most influential figures in the American independence movement, "Common Sense," was published during the American Revolution.It is the first pamphlet to advocate American independence and to openly request freedom from British control. The pamphlet stated his opinion on the British government and the idea of government as a whole. Thomas Paine wrote about how the colonies deserved to be free from Great Britain. In the introduction, he was trying to say that Common Sense would go against traditional thought and would be very controversial. "Common Sense" is referred to by one historian as …show more content…

Paine says the society and government are two very different things and he does not want the people to confuse the ideas of government and society. He thinks that a society is formed when people work together to accomplish a common goal, He argues that society brings us together and encourages happiness, but the government is formed to prevent the wicked behavior..In his opinion, government is only there to punish people who do bad things , provide security for those who obey the law and keep people from doing wrong things. He describes the government as, “even in its best state, but a necessary evil.” Paine says that government's main purpose is to protect life, property. and liberty. Paine then considers an imagined scenario.A small group of people starting a new country and cut off from the rest of society. He argues that in time, unable to live alone, they would soon find themselves interacting and they will form a society because they can accomplish more if they are united. Eventually, they will have to form a government to control selfishness. Paine says the people will be much happier if they are responsible for the creation of the laws that rule them. Paine sums up the first chapter by saying that the needs of the people as a whole should be what the government focuses

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