Rhetorical Analysis Of Thomas Paine

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Thomas Paine, a local pamphleteer in the pre-Revolutionary War era, wrote a convincing pamphlet to any colonists who were not already supporting the war for independence from Great Britain. In his argument, Paine uses rhetorical strategy, an emotional aspect, and divine revelation towards the citizens to create a very moving, passionate, and convincing call to arms. The first line, “These are the times that tried men 's souls,” is one of relatability and preparedness for the oncoming difficult times. Paine starts his essay off with a refutation of his argument, stating that although he wants this fight, he knows it will be tough. Paine then challenges the men’s bravery and patriotism to their country by stating the line “The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country.” This statement successfully peaks the men 's interest in the passage, and takes a jab at the readers manliness and willingness to protect his own country in time of need. “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.” This line, similar to the first line, is stating that this evil that was the British government is not going to be an easy opponent to defeat. This also puts the readers in a position of readying themselves, similar …show more content…

He tells a story of a man he saw in the man’s doorway, holding his young child. The man said “If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.” This use of rhetorical strategy through anecdotes shows not only that Paine has personally been connected with the peace he wants to fight for, but that Paine has also seen many others who want this same tranquility worth fighting for. This anecdote is also a great way to show the fatherly duty that comes with fighting for your country. It 's not just the country you are fighting for, but everyone in it as