Communication During Ww2 Essay

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How do we obtain information in relation to worldwide news coverage? Some may tune into the local news broadcast, Fox News, CNN or browse the internet. Communication was a key component during World War II as it is significant today. Unlike the countless in-depth news coverage, we have the opportunity to choose from during the war they were limited. Radio broadcast, newspapers, and newsreels played a critical role. Currently, we are entertained by the radio, however; civilians listened to the radio three times a day as the war correspondents revealed significant information regarding the war. Unfortunately, the government controlled the news, which was approved by the Office of War Information (OWI) established in 1942, only allowing certain …show more content…

I can’t remember the last time I actually wrote a letter on a piece of paper and mailed it. Effortlessly, we are able to send an email, text, snap chat or face time with our family; we couldn’t possibly fathom literally writing a letter. My daughter doesn’t even know how to use a mouse; she assumes everything is touch screen activated. Of course, during the war letters and diaries were an imperative form of communication between soldiers and their families. As honorable as the soldiers were, they would minimize their catastrophic experience so their family wouldn’t agonize over the true circumstances they were challenged with. Due to the delayed postal delivery time, remarkably, V-mail was created to save time. Soldiers were unable to express their true feelings now that the letters were being printed on 16mm microfilm reels that were sent to Washington for approval. While this was an ambiguous time for the soldiers, Anne DeVico’s family sent them care packages for Christmas holidays, which I’m sure lifted their spirits. After reading excerpts from Sasha Weinzheimer’s diary, I was able to get a glimpse of how her courageous family survived in a Japanese prison camp. We complain about the slightest obstacles in life, furthermore this amazing child was able to function as she wrote in her diary about her whole entire family being in prison. It makes you realized how fortunate we certainly

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