Communism And Nationalism In China

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Throughout History, change has been the only constant element. Societies grow, expand, evolve and fall apart, what determines the fate of these societies is their ability to adapt to times. This is one of the reasons why the once rock solid Soviet led bloc crumbled apart along with its communist ideologies and Communist China still remains today. How exactly this came about can be broken into three different sections; how the Communist Parties were established, how nationalism affected their politics, and the adaptation of politics to changing times.

How Communism came into power
In China, communism did not spring into power over night, It was a process much like growing a tree: the seed had to be planted and only once it rooted amongst the population did it have the fundamental elements it needed to grow strong. Mao Tse-Tung recognized this process and saw in it its potential (A). During the Sino-Japanese War, the communist party formed puppet states in rural villages as communism would appeal most to peasants as it not only gave the a say, but provided self-defence, education, agricultural cooperation, and other needs of the villages. This gave peasants a sense of unity and self-determination which spurred a revolutionary uprising of the peasants and gave the Communist Party their needed support. Communism was established because that was what the majority of the Chinese wanted, which also created a strong sense of Nationalism, which in turn, helped the Communist Party