Company Overview Of Target Corporation In Canada

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Situational Analysis: Strengths Target Corp. retailing company known for diverse products has internal strength in contrast to its competitors in Canada. After setting their goals high: to reach a profit of 3 billion just from the Canadian locations, it fell short, but with a positive outlook to reach high profits in 2014 all thanks to the company’s strengths in resources, competences and methods. The company’s strengths could be recognized after viewing its products with competitive pricing, the partnership with Starbucks1 and the well trained staff. Once the strengths are recognized, the company is able to use this information to its advantage, maximizing its profits. Many Canadians had the mistaken belief that the pricing at target would be equivalent to the US chains. The Globe and Mail article explained the reasoning behind why the prices vary between the US and Canadian chains, “Executives have said the prices are higher in Canada because of higher costs and tariffs and fewer economies of scale.” Targets mission is to stay committed to the best price guarantee, and the company does so by comparing their prices and adjusting it to its competition in Canada, and if they do end up missing something and the customer can find an items cheaper …show more content…

Roots is famous for providing quality clothing that is fashionable and comfortable at the same time, which matches with Targets target market: all ages. Another collaboration that puts target at an advantage is collection from a famous stylist in Hollywood, Kate Young, serving as a perfect add-on considering that eighty to ninety percent of the shoppers at Target are women, as Target states on its site of