Comparative Advertising Essay

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Comparative Advertising is the bread and butter of modern advertising. It is a method of promoting one's product by bringing out the flaws of a particular competitive product. It aims at not attacking the product itself, but any competitive brand manufacturing the same product. The comparison can be on the basis of price and quality. If there is a comparison with regard to price, the cheaper rival will stress on that fact and try to bring to fact that the consumer is getting the similar product at a lesser price. The factor that the brand will bank on is the price.
On the other hand, if the comparison is made on the basis of quality, then automatically the brand will try to portray that the quality is far superior to the other brands. The basic criteria that has to be kept in mind is that the comparison has to be malicious and untrue. The statements made to promote one's product had to be false. It has to be for the claimant's good and not the defendant's.
Comparative Advertising, is basically a method adopted to promote one's product. It also stands to be negative advertisement for the other brand in question. The USA, UK and India have always had different approaches towards …show more content…

Boehringer filed for an interim injunction for preventing Vetplus from putting out the advertisements comparing the canine comestibles. The Vetplus advertisements mentioned that the former's product contained one particular nutrient at lower levels than mentioned in the packaging. In the beginning the injunction was granted but later on the injunction was removed. Section 12(3) of the Human Rights Act states that no interim relief is to be granted so as to prevent publication before trial unless the court is satisfied that the applicant seeking the relief is likely to establish that the publication should not be allowed