Compare And Contrast Abortion And Utilitarianism

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One of the biggest challenges of the melting pot that is today’s society, where we all come from different backgrounds and have different ideals is to be politically or morally correct. But what makes an action morally right or morally wrong? Utilitarianism is a moral theory that suggest that actions are morally permissible if and only if they produce as much happiness as any other available option.This means that the more happiness an action produces the more valuable it is.The right action is the one that produces the greatest balance of happiness over pain.By this definition any other action will be morally wrong. The Utilitarianism became popular when Jeremy Bentham published his “Introduction to the Principles of Morals Legislation” …show more content…

I am a strong pro-choicer. I do not believe that a fetus is a human being nor a person , therefore I do not agree that it can be killed .As for the debate that abortion is depriving a future human life of valuable experiences .I will argue that when a woman decides to abort she always has a reason to do so. Sometimes she does not want to have a child, therefore the future child will feel the resentment of the mother because she was forced to have him/her, and in most cases a woman decides to abort because she is not able to provide a decent future for that child. In both cases, the upbringing of the child will be seriously compromised and , unfortunately in most cases , that will lead to difficult adulthood. On one of the worst a scenario the decision to abort is due to a major trauma like rape. Bringing a child into this world is an enormous responsibility and a woman needs to have the choice to make such commitment. There are millions of kids abused by their parents, on foster care, in prison and even on the street, there is no need to add more to that number by forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term. There are many reason why a woman decides to abort, but the decision is never an easy one , they do not need other peoples judgment on top of the suffering they already