Compare And Contrast Behave Club And Dollar Shave

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Burma-Shave and Dollar Shave Club, at one time, have both been big names in the shaving industry. Taking a historical perspective to the differences between them is going to be a cake walk. Burma-Shave started selling in 1925 by the Burma-Vita Company. It was then sold to Philip Morris in 1963 when sales had declined. In 1997 the American Safety Razor Company brought back the Burma-Shave name in a shameful attempt at nostalgia sales. Failing to remember that Burma-Shave was always brush-less, and selling it with a brush kit. Finally fading away into obscurity. Returning to this century, we have Dollar Shave Club. Started in 2011 with a web site and loads of investors. They have been doing so well that they were purchased for $1,000,000,000 cash. Historically they are very different. Completely different centuries, they were both created out of necessity though. …show more content…

The nation was spread out more-so than it is today. There wasn’t any distractions or mobile entertainment like there is today. Now Dollar Shave club is advertising on what people look at, as they ignore the Burma Shave signs on the side of the road (if they were still there). Dollar Shave club started not as a physical store, like Burma-Shave, but as an online presence. Dollar Shave club is about price while Burma-Shave was about convenience. They both took a risk. A risk to use comedy, instead of information. I believe that both were very successful, but also that neither one would survive in the others world. In regards to groundbreaking advertising, I feel that Dollar Shave Club only rose so high because they were standing on the shoulders of giants like Burma-Shave. Who were able to pave the way with their funny road-side