Compare And Contrast Bottled Water Vs Tap Water

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On a hot summer's day, groups of children are playing outside. After running around for a bit of time, the children are extremely thirsty. The children decided to take a break and get some water. Half of the children go drink from the water hose, the other half goes inside to get a bottle of water. A bystander may wonder which the better choice is. After all the facts are considered, tap water is the better choice over bottled water.
Choosing to drink tap water instead of bottled is Eco friendly. National Geographic says,
"Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world, adding 29 billion water bottles a year to the problem.” (Fox). These bottles usually do not get recycled either. By not recycling, billions of water bottles …show more content…

That’s enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelve months.” Oil causes too much pollution. Instead of harming our environment with the pollution of water bottles, buy one bottle and reuse it.
Tap water is also healthier for humans. Bottled water has to compete with other companies to get consumers to buy their water. The competition causes them to add chemicals to make it have a different taste. A New York Times said, "FDA does not require bottled water companies to disclose to consumers where the water came from, how it has been treated or what contaminants it contains". Just because the bottle says water, it does not necessarily mean water is the only ingredient in it. If these companies are not required to tell consumers what is in a product, they will not.
Buying cases of water each week can get expensive. One case of a top water bottle brands, Dasani, costs $22.99. That is $1,195.48 a year spent on water bottles. Reusable water bottles are found for around five dollars. With these numbers, a person who buys a case of water every week for a year is wasting about $1,190 a year. There is no reason to waste money when there is a steady supply of water in most every