Compare And Contrast Buddhism And Nirvana

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Nirvana is regarded by the buddhists as simple, changeless and uncreated state .
Buddhism says that the conditioned phenomena are not permanent and an attachment to conditioned phenomena leads to suffering and distress . A belief in the existence of a permanent and eternal soul was rejected by buddha . Buddha came out with his concept of not-self .
A right use of the process of change is desirable and leads to happiness
Heraclitus said that all changes are created by Logos or Reason . Heraclitus said that the Ultimate Reality is not static . Hegel and Heraclitus said that the Ultimate Reality is dynamic. Heraclitus said that you can not step into the same river twice .Water is always flowing in a direction . Changes will always take …show more content…

The God of Aristotle is like an unmoved man who moves a toy with a remote control .
The God of Plato is like a man who moves with his moving cart .
Things of the world come-into-existence and pass away ..
Parmenide said that the true reality is changeless and change is impossible .
Nothing can come out of nothing . The law of conservation of mass or energy in the universe is true . Matter can neither be created nor destroyed .The Ultimate Reality is changeless .
However ; local changes were admitted by Spinoza and Parmenide . New water is brought to the sea by the rivers .and old water of the sea is regularly evaporated and changed into clouds . The sea level always remains constant .Descartes accepted the law of conservation of motion in the world . Matter is frozen energy . Energy of one form can be changed into another form . The principle of conservation of energy says that the sum total of energy in the universe is always constant . Hence , behind all changes something remains constant . Matter can be converted into energy and vice versa .
Causes of sufferings :-
Buddhism claims that sufferings are due to impermanence .
Buddhism tell us that sufferings are due to our attachment to unstable things