Compare And Contrast Bulimia Nervosa

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Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are two very common forms of eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness where a person fears gaining weight and has a distorted perception of the body and weight They tend to think they are fat even when they are underweight. Bulimia Nervosa is when a person binges and uses methods such as vomiting and purging to avoid gaining weight. The binges are sometimes followed by compulsive exercising, fasting, vomiting and/or purging. These eating disorders are very serious and huge issues in today's society.

Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder that can affect people of any gender, age range and race. Most cases are female patients but there have been many male cases as well. Anorexia has mainly been found …show more content…

The first is a restriction of energy intake that leads to a dramatic amount of weight loss. The second is have an intense fear to gaining weight or becoming fat even if they are already majorly underweight. The last criteria that must be met is a change in the way one sees their body shape or weight is perceived. People who suffer from anorexia have other signs that can help someone to notice. Behavioral signs include dressing in layers to hide weight loss, they won't eat certain foods, they comment about being fat, are concerned about eating in public and has a strong need for control. Physical signs can include stomach cramps, dizziness, feeling cold all the time, sleep problems, menstrual irregularities, dry skin and brittle nails. Consequences for this disorder can be very serious such as changes in the function of their hearts like a slower heartbeat, low blood pressure and heart-palpitations. If not caught early it can cause irreversible health problems.

The disorder anorexia can affect more than just a person physically. People can begin to have changes in their moods and personality. The Common feeling of a person wanting everything about their body to be perfect is something that begins to correlate to their lifestyle (Mayo Clinic). Since perfection is expected some experience depression and anxiety. Other changes are the way that person dresses. They will tend to wear more baggy clothing to hide their weight loss. They also become more defensive when questioned about their weight/weight