Anorexia Argumentative Essay

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According to anorexia is an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. For me it all started in 4th grade when I looked in the mirror and saw someone who’ was fat. At that moment I decided I had to lose weight. The thing is a 4th grader should not worry about her weight. A 4th grader should be playing and running to have fun, not because running makes you thin. I was desperately trying to be skinny. I would eat breakfast and very little dinner when I got home but the school lunch my mom made I would throw it out, because it was too much food. What I can’t grasp is how I as a 10-year-old got the idea that I was fat and the only way to lose weight was not to eat. After a while the sense of wanting to be …show more content…

I desperately wanted to be skinny and pretty again. But this time it was easier, most of my friends were also dealing with anorexia. and I was diagnosed with ADD in 9th grade, that was probably one of the best things that could have happened to me. The reason is the medicine I took would make me nauseous and took away my hunger. I remember my friend and I would encourage each other to eat less. She would give me some tips like: munch on some ice, it will trick your brain to think your eating, or buy some baby teething gel and rub it on your tongue, it will numb your taste buds. Oddly enough they worked. I would constantly be chewing on gum or ice. Or when ever my family members would ask me why I wasn't eating I would blame it on my medicine. It was an easy way to hide what was really happening. A common misperception about anorexia is that you don't eat. However that is not true. I would eat about 600 calories a day. Sometime I would ask myself “Why didn't my parents notice?” But I didn't want them to. I made sure when ever my parents started to get suspicious I would eat half of a meal, just enough to get my parents or my siblings off my