Personal Narrative: The Idiot Proof Diet

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The Idiot Proof Diet is an eleven day menu consisting of 4 meals each day. After following the menu for the first eleven days, a three day resting period allows you to eat anything you wish... even ice cream. If you have tried all the diets in the book and are constantly looking for ways to lose weight or just want to start making healthier choices, this is your chance. People have lost up to nine pounds in the first eleven days of this amazing diet! The trick is in portion control, only there is no measuring or weighing necessary. As long as you only eat until you are satisfied, not "full", then you are following the "golden rule". First, you go to the website, Then, for a small one-time fee you are given an unlimited …show more content…

I'm here to tell you about my diet success story that explains how I went from weighing 210 lbs, to a tiny 140 lbs. Want to know how I did it? Keep on reading. Back in the beginning of 2008, I realized I wasn't happy. Everything I could think of always tracked back to my weight. I was 5'9" and 210 lbs. I was Obese, and I know I needed to change. I tried starving myself, but I relapsed and eventually pigged out on everything in sight. All the diets I tried out never worked, and I was desperate to lose the weight. In the meantime, the girl I was dating told me that she liked the way I looked and that I don't need to lose weight. I didn't listen to her, and she knew I didn't look good. Around June of 2008, I finally learned how to lose weight by counting my calories. I thought if I limited my calories to 1000 per day, I would lose the weight fast. I was a fool to think that I could last on a 1000-calorie diet. I eventually gave up and started eating everything in sight like I did before. I wanted to lose the weight fast, and losing weight fast isn't healthy. In November, I really started to get the hang of losing weight. I started going online and looking up Calorie Calculators and how much I needed to lose weight. As a man of 5'9" and 210 lbs, I had to eat 1600 calories per day to lose 2 lbs of fat each week. I finally found what I was looking for. I knew this was going to be tough, but well worth it in the end. I stopped buying junk food and started buying Chicken, red meat, vegetables, fat-free milk, and other healthy foods I can eat throughout the day. It was different eating only 1600 calories each day, and I learned how to keep myself full by drinking water before and after each meal. I felt myself getting healthier and I became more active. Around the month of February, I purchased a scale so I could finally weigh myself. I had been eating 1600 calories every day and I felt good about myself. When I