Compare And Contrast Christopher Columbus Journey To America

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How was the journey to America and the first flight across the Atlantic significant to the world? These two journeys have shown the determination in mankind. There are similarities and differences in the two men’s reasons on why they set these goals for themselves. Both of their journeys affected how travel would be later on in time. Everything behind these two journeys set some of the building blocks for the future. Four hundred years helped mankind prepare for the next big steps to the next floor of the building of travel. Christopher Columbus was one of the sailors that traveled to America. Early on in his life he worked on small boats(“Christopher Columbus Facts.”). This gave him some experience before he made his own journeys on the sea. Christopher’s main goal for this voyage was to reach Asia for trading reasons. He wanted to find an easy water route to Asia and traveled west which brought him to …show more content…

Both of these two men had their own different challenges but both overcame them. These journeys helped increase the technology of travel. It made people wonder what would be quicker ways to travel from one place to another. However, both of these journeys were also done two very different ways. One was on the water while the other soared above it. This made for two largely different time spans on the journey itself. One took almost a month while the other almost took two days. Columbus also had a few more challenges than Lindbergh. Columbus had a crew with him so if he needed help he could have received it. Whereas Lindbergh did not. Columbus had times in which he couldn’t sail because the weather was not working with him. If either of them would have encountered bad weather conditions, Lindbergh could avoid it a little easier than Columbus. However in the end, both of these men changed how some people thought and it improved the way we travel