Compare And Contrast Coolidge And Hoover In The 1930's

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World War 1 ended in 1914, and the United States entered the 1920s with a booming economy where people had jobs, using their newly earned money to put food on the tables, and to invest into stocks. 1924 came the election of a new president and the American people elected Calvin Coolidge: an economically conservative, laissez-faire approach to government, a person who would keep things the way they were. Coolidge did exactly what they needed at the time for a president, nothing. Herbert Hoover was elected in 1928 following Coolidge, Hoover was a republican, laissez-faire president until in 1929 the Great Depression hit. Hoover needed to act and he developed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in hopes to turn around the plummeting economy, …show more content…

Hoover understood that not being involved into the lives of the American people worked for Coolidge, if something is going well, there's no need to change it. Until the Great Depression in 1929 he kept that mentality, but something needed to change and was expected of him when the economy was so low. He created the Reconstruction Finance Corp. with the 3 platforms of volunteerism, localism, and rugged-individualism. Describing volunteerism as helping each other out and the need to get involved, localism focused on state governments to make their attempt to fix the problem first rather than the federal government, and rugged-individualism was this new term of growing character and that American culture of fixing things out on their own and after getting through the rough and tough, they will succeed. “Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement “ (DOC C). Hoover did not want to do the work himself but rather put all of this pressure of a failing economy on state governments and the people of America. Still trying to exhibit the laissez-faire mentality entering presidency. The people of America needed change from someone who made some attempt to govern the country, to someone that would get involved and become applicable to the time of …show more content…

Roosevelt entered in 1932, immediately trying to take action with repair of the economy's with his most impactful attempt, the Alphabet Soup Programs, a collection of acts in order to address a diverse horizon of issues that could make a dent in economic success. In 1934, a political cartoon was drawn demonstrating his “New Deal Remedies” to cure the U.S. of the depression. At the time, Roosevelt was not sure which plan would work so he applied multiple with the mentality that one would eventually fix the problems (DOC F). He used three Rs to guide these acts, Reform, Recovery, and Relief which focused on helping people, restarting the flow of the economy, and avoiding another depression in the future. “ our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of evil of the old order;...” (DOC E). He wanted to make a large investment of his time into avoiding the depression again and his plan of Reform