
Compare And Contrast Darwin And Lamarck

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There are two theories of evolution Charles Darwin’s theory on how animals evolved over time eventually turning into what we are today and Lamarck’s theory on that how animal’s characteristics can be passed on their offspring. These two theories from the 1800’s differ from creationist theory and indigenous theory because they both evolve where creationist theory and indigenous theory don’t evolve
Darwin’s theory of evolution
Darwin believed that the desires of animals have nothing to do with how they evolve, and that changes in an organism during its life do not affect the evolution of the species. He said that organisms, even of the same species, are all different and that those which happen to have variations that help them to survive in their environments survive and have more offspring. The offspring are born with their parents' helpful traits, and as …show more content…

Unlike most other people at that time, Darwin and Lamarck both thought that life had changed gradually over time and was still changing, that living things change to be better suited and adapted to their environments, and that all organisms are related. Darwin and Lamarck also agreed that life evolved from fewer, simpler organisms to many, more complex organisms.
The theory of evolution that has the most convincing evidence
The theory of evolution that has the most convincing evidence is Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin’s theory makes more sense and is more believable. However, I believe Darwin’s theory over Lamarck’s theory because Lamarck’s theory is too childish, thinking about how human appendix and little toes are gradually going to disappearing whereas Darwin’s theory is more believable where individuals that are not so well adapted to the environment slowly die

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