Compare And Contrast Democrats And Republicans

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We see Democrats and Republicans as two different parties with different views but at one point in time they were one single party called Democrats-Republicans. They were organized by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in 1791. While this party was established there were only four presidents who made office during this time and they were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and Quincy Adams. What the Democrats-Republicans job was to go against the Federalist Party when elections came around. After the war in 1812 the Federalist Party lost most of its supporters and ended up disbanding. Since the Democrats-Republicans were established to go against the Federalist Party that is when they ended up splitting into two parties, due to the fact that they no longer had anyone to go against. Democrats and Republicans as they are called now have different opinions and views when it comes to the political world in general. One of these parties is prochoice and the other is prolife making them different. …show more content…

The Democrat party is considered to be a more liberal party. Their beliefs is for there to be a larger federal government. They feel that the government should be responsible for looking out for the greater good and welfare of the people. Since the Democratic Party was established there has been a total of fifteen Democratic United States Presidents.
Republicans began by the supporters of Thomas Jefferson back in 1792. Not like Democrats they are conservative. They hold economic equity before anything, believing that all answers should lay solely with the people and not by the government. That decisions should be made at state level so that the government would have less involvement. Since the Republicans party was established we have had a total of eighteen Republican United State