Compare And Contrast Don Juan And Dexi

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Don Juan vs. Dex

In many different cultures around the world, Don Juan can be described and found in many literature stories as a “womanizer”. The Trickster of Seville or in the movie The Tao of Steve, are two perfect examples of that. Even if those stories were written in different country and in different time, the idea of this Don Juan is the same. Can those two Don Juan be similar therefore or do they have their differences? I believe that the story of Dex and the story of the original Don Juan can both only be very similar but very different at the same time.

First of all, even though Don Juan and Dex were living in two different time period, they both have a lot in common. In The Tao of Steve for example, we can clearly see that …show more content…

For example, Don Juan his physically described has a good-looking man while Dex is describe is a big fat pig. Also, Don Juan is a powerful noble man while Dex is a poor drug addict. Another difference can also be the fact that Don Juan tricks the ladies using words of future. He could promises to marry a woman just to be able to trick her: “Here I swear, O peerless eyes! Where he who looks within them swoons and dies to be your husband. (p.163)” Dex him only uses philosophy and old tricks from books and movies. Moreover, Don Juan is in The Trickster of Seville a very good fighter compare to Dex. Dex gets punch and knocked out by another man easily in the movie without even fighting back. However, the most important difference in both stories is definitively the ending. In The Trickster of Seville, Don Juan has the same mentality throughout the entire story and gets killed by the dead man sent by God at the end. Dex realizes however that being a Steve is not necessarily a good thing and that love is more important. In other words, in The Trickster of Seville, Don Juan dies for all his sins and Dex survives and lives happily after changing and becoming a better