Compare And Contrast Egyptian Culture And Mayan Culture

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Both Egyptians and the Mayan cultures were striving well in their time. I think that there were some things that they did the same to strive and any different to be able to adapt to their environment and culture. The Egyptians originated in 4,000 to 3,500 B.C. located in North Africa and the Mayans began in 3,300 B.C. in on the Yucatan Peninsula in North America. These two cultures greatest accomplishments were that many people might know about for these two cultures is the pyramids and calendars. The two types of Religion that both the Mayans and early Egyptians had been that they used Polytheism which is the belief in one God. It may not be the same God, but it shows that they might have shared cultures throughout the years to each other. Another similarity between the two cultures and tribes is that both used the pyramids as part or one of their rituals. For the Egyptians, they used pyramids to bury their past rulers of the empire. The difference is that for each one of their deaths they built a new pyramid so that no one has to share and also they put other things in the pyramid like other people to guard the Pharaoh and leave food for him to eat in the afterlife. The Mayan culture uses pyramids to make sacrifices to the Gods. The difference is …show more content…

The two tribes or empires shared multiple things, including the rank which was decided by wealth and also the peasants were usually at the bottom and the kings sat at the top of the social class. The thing that the Mayan culture did differently was that they mainly had to start this social class was because many people began to get wealthy through the amount of money that was made from farming and trading with other tribes. The Egyptians believed that through their religious faith that the Pharaoh was always on the top of the ranking since he could supposedly “talk to the Gods”. From there he would be able to decide the rest of the social