Mayans And Olmec Similarities

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The Olmec and the Mayan civilization were both very similar and differences. The two civilizations created very similar inventions of their own in showing times, dates, and even year. These called inventions predicted important dates today such as eclipses. Not having just similarities but also differences such as division of labors, cultures, religions, and trading with other. Both civilizations idnaved pretty much the same but having their opposing opinaons laws or rules at the times. They both contain very well similarities but also a variety of differences.
The Olmec are very known for their great structures or cultures but one of the best known is the Olmec Calendar. The Olmec Calendar is one of their greatest achievements till this day. …show more content…

Farmers cultivated crops such as maize, beans, and squash, while craftsmen produced a wide range of goods. Trade was a vital component of the economy, and the Olmecs established extensive networks of trade routes that linked their cities to other regions. They also maintained a sophisticated system of barter, exchanging goods and services with neighboring cultures. The Olmec economy was built around a complex system of social organization, with different social classes engaged in different economic activities. Despite their decline and disappearance around 400 BCE, their economic legacy continued to influence later societies in Mesoamerica, including the Maya and the Aztecs. The ancient Maya civilization of Mesoamerica had a complex and sophisticated economy that supported their society for over a thousand years. The economy was primarily based on agriculture, with maize as the most important crop. The Maya also traded extensively in a variety of goods such as salt, obsidian, jade, and cacao beans, which were used as a form of currency. The Maya had an intricate system of trade routes that connected their cities and allowed for the exchange of goods over long distances. They also had a complex system of taxation, with tribute paid in the form of goods or labor. The economy was …show more content…

Most of these different types of religions not everbody believed in some had their own even while their friends or familys thought opposite. As for the Olmec having many varieties of gods the main god that they worshiped was the Olmec Dragon being God l. The Olmec Dragon was not just one kind of animals but many into one. For example, a human, jaguar, and eagle. It was believed to signify many of earth's elements such as fire, earth, and water. The jaguar is mainly thought to mean being a king in th first as if being one of the beast. At they believed they woud eventually develop like jaguar not just for new born childrens but alod for adults. When taking a look around the monuments of goddess or gods that the Olmec created, a jaguar was always a hidden symbol in most. Olmec civilization praised it of course as they believed the jaguar was one the beasts of the forest. The Olmec didnt have just one god but also the Mayan didnt either having multiple to praise and worship. The Mayan having lots of gods or goddesses but mainly looked at the Blood Moon. Blood Moon real name being Xquic was looked up to or made up theories. For example, Bloods Moons are pretty rare on earth when the Mayans found otu about these Blood Moon they believed there may some eating behind them. For instance, Xquic is the daughter of Xibalba one of the more ancients gods. They believed that Xquic would