
Differences And Similarities Between Omlec And Han China

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The Omlec and the Maya were similar and different in many ways. One way they were similar is they both wrote in Hieroglyphics. Another similarity is they both build pyramids and were both deeply religious. Although they were very similar they are different too. One difference is unlike the Omlec, the Mayan practiced human sacrifice to satisfy there god. Another difference is the Mayan lasted much longer. The Omlec lasted about 800 years (1200-400BCE) and the Mayan lasted about 3000 (2000 BCE-900 AD).

2) Cultural diffusion is the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another. The mixing of world through different religions and nationalities has increased with advanced communication, transportation and technology. …show more content…

The reason they were memorable is because some great things happened during that time which gave it the title of its golden age. I will be talking about the golden ages of Athens, India and Han china. The golden ages of Athens, India and Han China have many things in common. The main similarly is during there golden ages they all achieved great things while sustaining power. The differences are, During the golden age of Athens there was a tremendous amount of economic growth and cultural flourishing. During the golden age of india there were many large achievements of mathematics, astronomy, science, religion and philosophy. During the golden age of the Han Dynasty there was a great amount of rule and power. All these different regions and cultures had very immoral and different golden …show more content…

I find all these golden ages to be very interesting and a great topic to talk about.
7) There are many great classical civilizations that have been studied and each one has there own special qualities that make them important in history. The civilization that I found to be the most interesting is the Athens civilization of ancient Greece. Here I will talk about why I chose this civilization over the rest and how it everything worked.

One reason I chose this civilization over the rest is because the ancient people of Athens were a unique people. They believed that individuals should be free as long as they acted within the laws of Greece. This allowed them the opportunity to excel in any direction they chose. Another reason I chose this civilization is because they had the ability to strive for excellence no matter what the challenge was. This strive for excellence was the method from which they achieved such great accomplishments, and what made them into the great civilization they were. That is why I chose this civilization over the

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