Compare And Contrast English B And A Work Of Artifice

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Literature, what has aided in the development and distinction of American culture, can be defined by Webster’s New World Dictionary as “all such writings having permanent value, excellence of form.” (Agnes 377) Two notable works of literature that have been held to high esteem in current ages are Theme for English B and A Work of Artifice, for they both reveal numerous elements indirectly shown forth in today’s society. The poems share several similarities, including the characteristics of their authors, the theme, the moral message they each convey, and their lasting impact on American art. Additionally, they equally represent acts of folly in modern civilization and the widespread issue of uniformity. To begin with, the authors of these widely-acclaimed poems are Langston Hughes and Marge Piercy, two 20th century American authors …show more content…

First and foremost, the two poems are both written in free verse and lack a distinguishable rhyme scheme. To further explain, they are written as a few or single stanzas consisting of multiple short lines that do not follow a certain rhythmic pattern. The words of the work simply communicate the details of the given circumstances and profess the varying emotions experienced in the given periods to impart upon the reader a deeper understanding of the material. As one may notice, neither poem follows a definite blueprint or plan; the authors merely narrate a story that holds great personal meaning to them and voice it in such a way that the audience feels as if he/she is enduring the situation alongside them. Consequently, the utilized methods of imagery and produced empathy lead a reader to better grasp the scenarios and relate to the authors’ suffering. Such feeling and sentiment was all portrayed in relatively concise works of poetry, for great poets can speak volumes within a mere set of