
Compare And Contrast Essay On Ruby Bridges

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Ruby Bridges and the Little Rock Nine are similar and different in countless ways. One way in which they are similar is that they both fought for their rights, and were extremely brave. Ruby Bridges was one of the only African American girls who attended a white school during the 1950s. For a while, she was the only student in her school because white parents didn’t want their children to learn with Ruby. Most whites despised Ruby, and hurled cruel words at her. Instead of quitting school or being scared, she continued to go to her classroom every day. By doing this, she proved that she was courageous and she paved a path for future black students who would one day go to white schools. The Little Rock Nine did the same. The Little Rock …show more content…

According to the passage “Little Rock Nine,” the author states, “Other students teased them and attacked them almost daily. Some white students spit on them. One girl had acid thrown in her eyes and was nearly set on fire. Another girl fought back by dumping a bowl of chili onto students that were harassing her.” This shows that black students went through plenty of harassment and injustice, but that didn’t stop them from fighting for what they believe in. Another way that the Little Rock Nine and Ruby Bridges are alike is that they both were treated unreasonably. On Ruby’s first day going to William Frantz Elementary, she sat with her mother in the office because the vice principal said that no teacher wanted Ruby in their class. She wasn’t allowed to learn simply because some people were prejudiced and discriminatory. The next day, she was allowed into a classroom, but she was the only student there. For the rest of the year, she was alone in a classroom and wasn’t able to interact with other children. The Little Rock Nine weren’t treated properly, either. According to the passage, the author states, “The governor of Arkansas did not want white schools to teach black students. He sent armed soldiers to Central High on the

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