Compare And Contrast European And Japanese Feudalism

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Feudalism: Japan vs. Europe Feudalism changed the way people lived their everyday life. There was a point where people had to rely on others for stabilization and support. Though there is only one purpose of feudalism, it had different effects throughout the world. European feudalism was based on contract where as Japanese feudalism was based on personal relationship with the lords and vassals. This proves that feudalism worked better for Europe than it did in Japan. There were several different results that came from feudalism that resulted in a hierarchy. After the fall of Europe they built a society based off of a pyramid of power. At the top was the king. He established the feudal contract vowing to give land to his people. Under him was the lords and the nobles. They too had to commit to sharing a portion of their land in order to keep the peace agreement. Next was the vassals and knights. They were known for their chivalry. Finally …show more content…

Social order was officially ceased and mobility between the farmers, warriors, artisans, and merchants was prohibited. This was part of the systematic plan to maintain stability. The fifteen Tokugawa shoguns made their foremost goals political stability and complete isolationism. The stability gained by isolation and strict class control caused feudal Japan to double in population going from fifteen million to thirty million. They also increased in urbanization and the influence of the merchant class. This shows Japan and Europe 's differences. Merchants were looked up to in Europe and were looked down upon in Japan. Their social structure went the Emperor, Shogun, Diamyos, Samurai, peasants, artisans, then the merchants. Another difference was how women were seen. In Europe, women were considered fragile and in Japan they were expected to be brave and honorable. In Japan there were people known as Bushidos. This meant, "The Way of the Warrior". Begin a warrior was a way of life to