Why Did Absolute Monarchs Grow Their Power In The 1600s

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In the 1500s and the 1600s the feudal system was beginning to fall. Different countries were trying new different types of governments instead of the dysfunctional feudal system. The feudal system consisted of many different nobles ruling over their own land. It was not a uniform system of ruling over the country. There were small city-states run by a singular ruler. Most of the population were poor farmers, that had no idea what was happening within the country. Obviously this system was not the best. Eventually countries found a more efficient way of running their countries. A single ruler began to consolidate the power from the city-states and make a more uniform government for the country. The ways these absolute monarchs consolidated and increased their powers were similar in the 1600s and 1700s, by decreasing the nobles’ powers, increasing military, and increasing bureaucracy. The absolute monarchs of the 1600s and 1700s all increased their power by decreasing the power the nobles had. When Louis XIV was king of France he decreased the power of the nobles by creating the palace of Versailles. In the palace of …show more content…

Such as Frederick William I of Prussia, otherwise known as “The Soldier King”. He increased his army, and land which therefore increased his power over the country. By increasing his army he made his country feel safe, and instilled fear in his people. This caused for his power over the people to increase therefore allowing him to become an absolute monarch. Louis the XIV also increased his military powers, which increased his total power. He had many wars that he fought in order to increase his land. He grew the country the France with these wars. By growing the land that France owned he increased his power by increasing the amount of people he ruled over, and also gained the respect of the people making it easier for him to be an absolute