Compare And Contrast Fahrenheit 451 And Minority Report

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Comparison and analysis of Fahrenheit 451 and Minority Report “Fahrenheit 451” and “Minority Report” are exceptional well written stories established on the idea of a dystopian society that places people into a mold and does not encourage self-expression. The main storyline for both stories is the protagonist commences to dig deeper into a stringent and well organized society, and the directors of the government do not approve of them snooping into their formal functions and affairs. As soon as they start to reveal glitches or problems associated with the system, then they become a threat and the people controlling the society or program begin to worry about their true intentions. While comparing the two stories and societies, it is necessary to be kept in mind that the two were written around the …show more content…

The community is made up a majority of obedient people who do not want to view the world as it truly is. They pretend as if they do not recognize the veil that has been cast over their eyes. There are some naïve ones who genuinely do not see it and are ignorant little robots who do not question authority. There is a point in “Fahrenheit 451” Beatty tells Montag, “People want to be happy, isn't that right? Haven't you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren't they? Don't we keep them moving, don't we give them fun? That's all we live for, isn't it? For pleasure, for titillation? And you must admit our culture provides plenty of these.”(Page 59)This quote perfectly describes how everyone’s aura and feelings with this self-approbated novel. Guy Montag, who is the main character, is similar to the main character in “Minority Report” in that they both are two men who are heavily involved in the government’s departments and are guys who are supposed to be enforcing the guidelines and regulations set forth by the controlling power. However Montag and Jon find