
Compare And Contrast Four Freedom And Kennedy's Inaugural Speech

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Do you ever wonder what it was like to be the president during the Cold war and during World War 2? Both Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech and Kennedy’s inaugural address talk about freedom however Roosevelt's speech talked about aiding other countries that needed help, whereas Kennedy’s speech talks about how they need to negotiate to solve the problems.
While Roosevelt was president World War 2 was going on. America didn't want to get involved with it for awhile. Roosevelt didn't want to lose our Freedom to germany. Hitler was invading all these countries Taking the Jews and a bunch of other religions and people. He was basically trying to take over the world. So what did we do during this time? We wanted to supply our allies who were at war with Germany with the …show more content…

In his speech he says “ That our future of all the American republics is today in serious danger” (Roosevelt 272). He also Explains four of our freedoms which were freedom of speech and expression , freedoms to worship god, freedom to want, and the last one is freedom of fear. He didn't want us to lose our freedom so instead he wanted to aid our allies with supplies and medical care.
Meanwhile in 1961 is when Kennedy came into office. During this time we were in a cold war with the soviet Union. They both were stocked with nuclear weapons which could have meant the end of the world. No one wanted to do anything because they did want to cause the end of the world. So they just threatened them with nuclear weapons.
In Kennedy’s speech he talks about how they have to negotiate and make peace. “ Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate” ( Kennedy 285). He also talks about he will help the other americans if they need it. He’s basically saying he wants to stop war from starting and settle peace. “ Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you cando for your country.” (Kennedy

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