Compare And Contrast Grant Vs Lee

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General Lee was far superior to Grant in almost every way. Ulysses S. Grant was an ignorant, egotistical fool that literally set his men up to die, shown in the battle of Cold Harbor. Grant knew he had more men and that's the only reason he was successful in most battles. Robert E. Lee was proclaimed the best general even before the Civil War had begun. Lee was known from the Mexican American war and only finalized that he was the best general in America through key points in the Civil War. Lee show’s his raw skill beating Ulysses S. Grant in the battle of Cold Harbor using his superior defensive tactics which proves he is a better general than Grant. Cold Harbor was the final battle of Ulysses S. Grant’s Overland campaign, a series of battles in which was the first time Grant and Lee faced each other on the battlefield. The battle of Cold Harbor occurred during May thirty-first to June twelfth, eighteen sixty four. The most remembered part of the battle was a frontal assault on confederate lines that absolutely destroyed the union troops, seven thousand troops in less than an hour, some say most of the deaths occurred in the first ten minutes. One Confederate for every four Union soldiers. Cold Harbor was one of the most intense confrontations of the Civil War. …show more content…

Lee’s strategically placed troops. Early in the morning with darkness and fog surrounding the soldiers, the attack began. The Union corps assembled a 7 mile long line and advanced. As the confrontation started the Union's corps began to get separated and confused by all of the heavy vegetation and swamplands, losing contact with each other. At this point Lee’s army was able to annihilate the Union troops because of his angled lines of troops. This is when seven thousand troops are slain in less than an hour, and it will not get any better for the Grant and Union as the keep