Compare And Contrast Harrison Bergeron And All Summer In A Day

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Being different is okay. Being unique is okay. But, punishing others because your jealous is never okay. In the story “All summer in a day,” by Ray Bradbury and “ Harrison Bergeron,” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, the characters are punished for something they can't help. In “All Summer in a Day,” Margot is teased and called names because she remembers the sun that shines brighter than the dull rain that beats to a tatting drum every day and night for 7 years straight while no sunlight dares to enter the endless rain that they are all stuck hiding behind. This made the other kids in her class very jealous. In “Harrison Bergeron,” anyone who is above normal is forced to wear handicaps making them unable to be advanced or higher up in a profession. One …show more content…

One similarity emerging in both stories is that the antagonist are jealous of the protagonists because they are different. In “All summer in a day,” the children are jealous of Margot and her memory of the sun beating on her skin. They all sat at the window beaming like a full moon. "You’re lying, you don’t remember !" The children would often say to Margot as she tried to explain what the bright sphere. They acted like she was as dead as a doorknob, that she didn't really know what the sun looked like or felt like. However, she did. The way it connects to “Harrison Bergeron” is the Handicap Generals force, what they would consider abnormals, to wear handicaps which keep them from being above normal in knowledge. Only the “abnormal” are forced to wear them and some of the normal are jealous. "I'd think it would be real interesting, hearing all the different sounds," said Hazel a little envious. "All the things they think up." Harrison thinks of ways to chime the noises out wear Hazel thinks it would be interesting to have the ability to hear all those noises. This shows that in both texts, the antagonist are jealous of the …show more content…

In “All Summer in a Day,” the children are thriving to see the sun, they would even be happy to just remember what the sun looks and feels like against their snowflake white skin. Margot, on the other hand does remember the sun and often talks about the bright light bulb that lights their planet once every seven years, to the others. However, there is a turning point when the children become jealous and treat Margot differently because to them she is set apart from them. "Hey, everyone, let’s put her in a closet before the teacher comes !" The children become hostile because Margot is different from them. However, in the story “Harrison Bergeron,” the level of jealousy goes way farther, due to the amount of difference the person has. In this story the level of jealousy or difference can lead up to using object such as handicaps that could be called weapons and even cause death. This shows that in one text the characters don't take their jealousy as far and finally accept differences , while in the other text, the characters end up getting hurt and/or punished for their lifetime until further due because they were born different and are unique in different