Compare And Contrast Holes Book And Movie

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Compare and Contrast essay about Holes. Are there any differences between the Holes book and movie? In your head you're probably thinking… I don’t know… well I will tell, there is. In the story and movie the story about the famous outlaw Kissin’ Kate Barlow is a little bit different. Also the characters are a little bit different. The Elyas story is different in the movie and book. In the book and the movie the Kissin’ Kate Barlow story starts when she was a teacher and then the people didn’t like the person she kissed - which was Sam the onion man (who was black) - and they burnt her schoolhouse down and planned to hang the onion man with the approval of the sheriff. Then she became the outlaw Kissin’ Kate Barlow, then she went on a robbing spree and robbed Stanley's great great-grandfather while on the robbing spree. In the movie the Walkers asked Kate Barlow about her loot/treasure when she was sitting in the middle of the desert with nothing, but in the movie they ask her about the loot/treasure when she is in her cabin. Also …show more content…

The characters are different between what they say and do. In the book Holes Stanley Yelnats is fat, but in the movie Stanley is skinny. In the book Staneys tent counselor is Mr.Pendanski, but in the movie he is Dr.Pendanski. In the book Ms.Morengo gives the boys Stanley dads new foot spray so they can “wash themselves”, but in the movie she didn’t give them anything. In the movie, Mr.Sirs backstory is not revealed at all but, in the book his backstory talks about a very dangerous criminal who was sent there by the judge. Also, when Ms.Morengo came to get Stanley from camp it started to rain before they left to take Stanley home - it was the first time it rained in 110 years-, but in the book it started to rain after they left to take Stanley home. In the movie Armpit said “tell her Theodore said sorry”, but in the book Squid said “tell her Alan said sorry”, pg.