Compare And Contrast How Did The European Americans Become Dominant By The 1500s

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The discovery of the New World had led Europeans to come and explore this new place with many vast opportunities. In order to conquer the Americas, Europeans had to drive out the Native Americans who already controlled the lands. How did the Europeans manage to become dominant by the 1500s? How the Europeans came to become so dominate in the Americas stemmed from the many advantages they had in plant/animal domestication and where they were located, diseases that decreased the populations, political organizations that every society needs to be successful, and their technology and inventions. Food is one of the many factors that determine a population. The use of domesticated animals helped in the production of food and while Eurasia …show more content…

In Eurasia, political organization with official religions and bureaucracies were established by Renaissance times. Many empires that were set up around this time included the Ottoman Empire and Mongol Empire. In the Americas, there were only two main empires, the Incas and Aztecs with an established government; the other natives were organized into small tribes or bands. Communication is futile in an a successful society and in Eurasia, there were literate bureaucracies where they could communicate and understand each other, but in the Americas, writing was not the same and the natives instead used devices and a system that not everyone could use which made it difficult to communicate. In addition to political organization and writing, Eurasia and the Americas differed in their technology and inventions. Europeans had a huge advantage in their inventions and technology. They had guns, body armor, helmets, swords, lances, and daggers (all made out of solid steel or chain mail) and were able to operate machines such as the waterwheel, windmill, and geared wheels. They had wind, water, and animal power and their modes of transportation were by vehicles and sea where their trading and commerce could be done. Native Americans’ technology and inventions were limited to clubs and axes, slings, bows, arrows, and quilted armor (usually made of stone or wood) and were only later on introduced to horses (their main mode of transport) when the Europeans came. Because the Europeans had access to better technology and a more organized government, this gave them the advantage of being superior to the Native