Compare And Contrast Lincoln And Napoleon Bonaparte

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Events in history shaped the way people all around the world interact with each other and even with people in their own country. Every day big things happen all around the world but the three things that follow just happened to fall on May 18. Abraham Lincoln was elected to represent the republican party, Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed the emperor of France, and Britain declared war on France. These all changed the way that two different governments functioned and there were differing opinions throughout even their own country.
To begin with, Abraham Lincoln was a former Lawyer and whig representative to congress but what he was most famous for was his campaign against Stephen Douglas for the U.S. Senate seat in 1858. They debated against each other in what is now known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates and they each argued mainly on the slavery issue. Lincoln thought that the whole country should be able to make a unified decision but Douglas believed that it should be to each their own. Lincoln lost and did …show more content…

He proclaimed himself emperor on May 18, 1804 and on December 2 that same year he crowned himself and did not allow the pope to do it. A few months later he crowned himself with an iron circlet that was meant to symbolize his rule over all of Italy. In the year 1808 Napoleon tried to recreate an aristocracy that had already been eliminated once before and he gave titles of nobility only to people who served him well. He began to reinforce the old French traditions that had been used in court, not because he liked those methods but because he wanted to create an image of prestige and power to outsiders. (Spark Notes) Napoleon was exiled once to the island of Elba but he managed to get back to France and attempted to come back to power. He failed after some temporary success but was exiled again to the island of Saint Helena and died there six years later of stomach cancer. (