Compare And Contrast Lincoln And Republican Party

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Lincoln and Republican Party Known as one of the greatest presidents of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, shaped the nation in his image, leaving benefits to people. Striking shifts occurred in the nation at Lincoln’s time: In 1809, when Lincoln was born, the nation was just starting to grow with one united body; during his participation in political issues, the nation was parted; but after Lincoln’s presidency, it not only became one again but also forever altered and strengthened. Once had been a self-educated lawyer, a Whig Party leader, and a member of the Illinois House of Representatives and then of the United States House of Representatives, Lincoln led the building of the new Republican Party. During his presidency, the Civil War burst. Lincoln …show more content…

With thorough consideration, he selected his cabinet, managed a “team of rivals”, sufficiently applying their abilities to contribute the nation; as the Commander in Chief, he managed various generals and soldiers, visiting the battlefield in person; also, he played a significant role in the foreign affairs, kept Britain out of war, avoiding unnecessary troubles; affluent experience of a lawyer enabled him to deal with various acts such as the Martial Law and his questions about the writ of habeas corpus, and to convince his naysayers from different walks of lives. Simultaneously. remarkable financial policies, among which the most impactful ones were the Avenue Acts and the prevail of national paper currency, were proposed to Lincoln and passed by Lincoln; to expand the advantages, Lincoln and the government passed and enacted the Pacific Rail Acts, Morrill Land Grant Act and Homestead Act, which also created new opportunities for the people while the devastating war was going on. Towards the main reason that triggered the war-slavery, Lincoln signed the Confiscation Acts and Emancipation Proclamation into law, and then his aim-abolition of slavery was achieved with the pass and