Compare And Contrast Malala's Path To Education

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Malala Yousafzai and Sherman Alexie are both representations of those who unfortunately do not experience the same and simple journey towards education as most of the world does. In their works, “He Named Me Malala” and “Superman and Me”, Malala and Alexie respectively share their unique experience with the aspect of education that is so common to us. Their journey is full of ups and down, pushes and pulls and successes and failures. It defines a significant part of who they were, are and have become later in life. Their journey while similar on the surface, also was very different when dug deeper. The difference between Malala and Sherman's path to education is that while Sherman had a choice to go to school, Malala did not have that privilidge, and the similarity between the two is that both of their fathers played a paramount role throughout their journey. While Sherman Alexie had the choice to go to school, Malala did not have that privilege. Because of the fear of the Taliban, along with Malala, several other families ceased to send their little girls out to study. This took away Malala’s freedom to express her desire for education and …show more content…

Whereas Malala had to risk her and her family's life to go out to receive an education, this was not the case with Alexie. Alexie did not have a life-threatening burden over his head allowing him to pursue an education. This was the crucial aspect of whether they had a choice or not when considering education. The similarity between the two is that their father's role was distinguished and unrivaled when it came to who played the most vital role in their path to education. It was due to their fathers' passion and crave for education that fueled their own dedication to