Compare And Contrast Malcolm X And Martin Luther King

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Malcolm X and Martin Luther KIng Jr are both very critical parts in the fight for social and economic justice for african americans in the 60s though both of these men fought for the same things they had different ways of thinking and different strategies that they used to get this economic and social justice/eqaulity. Martin Luther KIng Jr and Malcolm X were both very smart men with great ideas that helped african americans take a step closer to getting the eqaulity they deserved economically and socially.

Martin Luther King Jr was a well known african american civil rights activist in the 60s that voiced his opinion and ideas in order to make a change. Martin Luther King Jr had many stratigies when it came to getting what he wanted and what he wanted more than anything at the time was a equal economic status for african americans. At this time in the 60s african …show more content…

It was hard for african americans to get jobs because at the time we were still segregated and most white owned buisnesses were not hiring african americans and the places that african american could work their salary was usually far lower then what a white persons would be.Just like anyone else would Martin Luther King Jr thought this was unfair and proposed a "non-violent arsenal,". Martin luther king states that "Theres nothing quite effective" then refusing to spend your money at places that perpetuate evil in the african american community, and what MLK Jr was trying to get across here was that if they did not buy from the same stores that supported racism and racist acts such as refusing to hire african americans those sames stores