Compare And Contrast Maya And Incas

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Inca,Maya and Aztec Compare and Contrast In history we the people have found to realize that the Maya, Aztec, and Inca culture was one of the most incredible findings of their accomplishments. The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations were really smart in topics of engineering, writing, agriculture and astronomy. Also all three had their beliefs, and good with agriculture. All three cultures used great technologies in their agriculture like slash and burn, terrace farming. They all hunted for religion, they had a huge belief with the people spread throughout each region. They all had a lot of interest in the use of chocolate in the region, and cultivation. They all were pretty much the same just different beliefs. No ruins were as good as the Incas they cut stones with block fits exactly that nothing would fit between. The people were also hunters. They invented an advanced water system. They raised llama and alpaca for wool. These people were well known for their working metals. There greatest art was ceramic which had real and mythological features painted on them. These people believe in the sun god and nature god also did human sacrifice for religious purposes. The women just like the Aztecs watched over the kids and did house work; they also were healers and midwives. Their women were taught to be women at the age of 8 and 9, at this age some were sacrifice for the gods. There burials were like monkeys but wrapped in string then dressed, were the body was placed