
Compare And Contrast Mick And Rorty

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After a fierce 3 week project in history class, the noble teacher decided to assign the students another project on the same week as the test. Two adventurous lads, Mick and Rorty, got together and decided to create the most epic history story of all time, but first they needed some assistance from their trusty lad Barack Obama. Obama had a sacred power of illuminati which could make him and others near him time travel, so off they went back around the War of 1812. They found themselves trapped on a boat with the British Navy capturing and impressing U.S. Merchants. Luckily, they were saved due to Mick’s quick thinking of distracting the British with tea and jumped back onto the port of New Orleans. They spent a couple of days reorganizing …show more content…

Most of the Indians knew what he was planning up to as he was greedy for money and land to fortify the economy out westward. Jackson had betrayed them and now were forcibly moved out along with their fellow Cherokee tribe.They were separated from the tribe through a rainstorm and lost many belongings during the Trail of Tears. As the Native Americans disappeared on their land, they saw new railroads system being built on previous N.A. Land and worked on both new farm lands as a way to make money for a while. They heard the news of the discovery of gold on the western frontier and decided to travel along with a group called the 49ers. After gaining enormous wealth, Mick and Rorty travelled back to the southeast near the border of Texas to live on a large plantation, but conflicts arose and war was initiated by the Texans to Mexico in the Mexican war. Mick and Rorty were very patriotic fellows and helped fight in the war, bringing victory to the american …show more content…

The levels of slavery skyrocketed after the discovery of short staple cotton which was easy to grow and it helped improve the economy. However, due to conflicts with deciding on the annexation of texas, it triggered many abolitionists and sparked many debated which caused Mick and Rorty to fight for the moral issues concerning slavery. They went north to attend conventions with Frederick Douglass and argued for the new states to become free to balance out the nation. They traveled to Kansas to fill out the votes for determining what would happen during the Kansas-Nebraska Act by popular sovereignty. However, this did not turn out as planned, as Mick and Rorty barely escaped the skirmishes between the opposing sides. “Bleeding Kansas” as it was called, increased tensions with the North and South as Kansas finally entered the Union as a free state. Mick and Rorty thought this was the worst that could happen against the slavery issue, but it got worse after the north and south declared war against each other in 1861. Mick and Rorty joined the Union side once again to fight against slavery and was present at the Battle of Antietam, Vicksburg, and the legendary Battle of Gettysburg. They had many advantages over the south due to their industrialization along with a much more substantial population. The victory of the war brought great joy to Mick and Rorty as they contributed in one of the greatest influential events in

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