Compare And Contrast Pachisi And Patolli

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Pachisi and Patolli have same similarities with the gameplay
Patolli was playing by people of all social classes
Patolli is an Aztec culture
Patolli game is heavily focused on gambling.
Aztec people used to play Patollie on a board which It have ( X ) shape and the corners are Smoothed, each player will have six tokens and four beans that acted as a dice and there is a white dot on each bean and it uses to count the points, the one who get the higher count will start first
Patolli Gameplay, the way to play the Patolli game first is to decide who go first, so the player have to Throw the bean to see which one of the player will start first, In Patolli board each player have their own squares and if one of the player roll and landed on an opponent’s