Compare And Contrast Roosevelt And Tiberius Claudius

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said “We have faith that future generations will know that here, in the middle of the twentieth century, there came a time when men of good will found a way to unite, and produce, and fight to destroy the forces of ignorance, and intolerance, and slavery, and war.” This is one of many examples of a successful leader keeping trust with the people, unlike Tiberius Claudius Germanicus who found success by trusting nobody. Overtime both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Tiberius Claudius Germanicus rose to power, although one kept faith with his people when another didn’t. Each leader trusted certain people differently depending on if they are society, the government or their own family. Neither leader gained the public’s trust for just being there. After, serving …show more content…

As Franklin Delano Roosevelt already had lots of supporters he decided to maintain his plans with the Executive Order 6101. This document helped decrease unemployment rate along with lowering the nation's debt. He gained even more supporters from this and he planned to continue to grow. Later, in his 3rd term although some people disliked his decision of siding with the allies in World War II they trusted his decision. Their wishes came true as the allies won out the war against the Nazis. He also was heavily respected for he was the first president to visit an active war zone during a war. Unlike Roosevelt, Emperor Claudius didn’t care about his trust with the people as he had no intentions to increase it. Throughout his reign he mainly kept Rome at a stable state. Although, he did not gain much trust from the people or senate he did gain some from the guards after giving them a donation for their help. He liked to keep Rome friendly with neighboring civilizations and not cause to much conflict. Because of this his trust between the people neither rose nor