Compare And Contrast Roosevelt And Woodrow Wilson

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America sought progressive reform, and proved it in the 1912 elections with 58% of the ballots toward Theodore Roosevelt and WIlliam Howard Taft; the republican candidates. However even with the overwhelming support for a progressive republican president, Woodrow Wilson, a progressive democrat, having only won 42% of the poll still won the election due to a split between the votes in republican candidates. Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt had differing goals, and a wide arrangement of achievements, of which are shaped by their respective political parties. Woodrow Wilson, the new President of 1912, continued progressive reform coined as the “New Freedom.” Focusing his policy on leading the charge to lower tariffs, regulate baking, strengthening …show more content…

Woodrow Wilson taxed the working class with the income tax, while roosevelt developed the square deal and focused on protecting the working class. Wilson focused on the bettering of farmer life with the federal farm loan act, of which allowed farmers to take out a loan equating to 50% of the projected value of their farmland and 20% of projected value of their improvements, which substantially helped farmers that were affected by many problems that had arisen. Roosevelt, on the other hand, took a different turn; he established the meat inspection act, pure food and drug act, where these acts can trouble an honest farmer. Wilson and Roosevelt both took action in regulating railroads and assisting their workers such as the adamson act from Wilson, they also agreed on breaking up large trusts and monopolies. In foreign affairs, Wilson draconian in comparison to Roosevelt; Wilson entered WWI in 1917 and put the sedition and espionage act in place to suppress opinions of the war of which may influence the number of volunteers negatively. Whereas the most intense Roosevelt did, in the terms of war, is he sent the great white fleet around the world to boast the American’s war power and potential influence. Wilson and Roosevelt also took a calm approach at subjects, such as Wilson sponsoring the league of nations and introducing his 14 points, and Roosevelt negotiating the American control of construction on the panaman