
Compare And Contrast Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Jonathan Edward and Anne Bradstreet are both novel authors of the 17th century. Although their writing has great differences they both use religion in their themes. They view God in totally different perspectives and contrast beliefs about God’s intentions. Bradstreet and Edward writings revolved around God and their beliefs of him. However Jonathan's writing, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, shows how he believes God will punish anyone who has sinned against him. Edward illustrates, “Thus easy is it for God when he pleases to cast his enemies down to hell…”(Edward 124). Edward shows numerous times in his writing that God sends sinners to hell as their punishment for going against his rules and commandments. While on the other hand …show more content…

Edwards theme of his writing “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, was based heavily on the belief that God sends people to hell and he is an Angry God. However Bradstreet's writing shows remorse and praise for her God who had saved her from the fire and gave her everything the fire took. She based her social side of it on the fact of family and friends being in the house and interacting with the gifts God gave. When Bradstreet illustrates, “Under thy roof no guest shall sit, Nor at thy table eat a bit,”(119). She’s referring to how normal people in society eat together. She was using that expectation of society to show how she lost those moments. She uses this expectation multiple times like when she wrote, “No pleasant tale shall e’er be told nor things uncounted done the old,” (119). Saying how no one will tell stories in the house, setting the expectations to being with people in the house enjoying each other's company. Edwards' social side of it is much darker.The narrator states, ”Therefore, let every one that is out of Christ, now awake and fly from the wrath to come…”(129). Edwards sets the expectation that if you sin, God will hold that against you. This is a very harsh expectation whereas Bradstreets was more about loved ones being

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