Compare And Contrast The Battle Of Ww1 And Cambrai

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The Battles of the Somme, Cambrai, Meuse-Argonne Offensive involved the first uses of artillery and tanks (Meyers 49). These battles also involved the U.S. and took place over in Europe. The plans behind these battles were too end trench warfare and to destroy the British and German military forces. All of the plans and strategies were planned by General J. Pershing and President Woodrow Wilson (Meyers 49).The Battles of, The Somme, Cambrai, and The Meuse-Argonne Offensive, gave strategic ideas towards military fighting, influenced the major production of military artillery, and ended World War 1 and trench warfare. The Battle of the Somme was the first recorded battle ever to use tanks. The battle started on July 1, 1916 and took place on …show more content…

The battle started on september 26, 1918 near the Argonne forest. 871 tanks with 130 planes were used along with 700,000 U.S. soldiers. The battle opened with a barrage of bombardment, artillery, and infantry On the first day of the battle the U.S. had giand ten miles and were moving into the Argonne forest close to the hindenburg line (Meyers 85). This was the biggest gain of land in the war since the Battle of the Somme. The Germans were caught by surprise and could only bombard the allies. The Germans were short on supplies and degrading fast, when the U.S. attacked the German trenches they were backed by the french on both sides of the offensive (Meyers 86). Pershing called the fight off for a few days due to bad weather, and to review the battle plan. The U.S. then came hard with 932 tanks and 750,000 troops ready to fight (Meyers 86). With this push the U.S. had gained twenty miles and had broken through the hindenburg line. The Germans fought through disease and and casualties but did not retreat until February 11, 1918. After 180 days of fighting the Germans sent out a treaty on February 12. The U.S. declined it and continued to fight, they were in German territory wdn kept pushing for another twenty miles until the Germans had surrendered on February 22,

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