Compare And Contrast The Cult Of Positive Thinking And Lance Armstrong

530 Words3 Pages

Joshua McDivitt
Michael Billock
Intro to College Writing
March 16 2023

Supplements in Men Vs. The Cult of Positive Thinking The two essays “Lance Armstrong and the Cult of Positive Thinking” and “Adverse effects of sports supplements in men” have similarities such as, steroids and Men while the differences they have include, the use of data and subjective opinions. The essay “Lance Armstrong and the Cult of Positive Thinking” talks about Lance Armstrong’s career and how the media reacted to his history of doping and how Lance Armstrong reacted to the media. The essay “Adverse effects of sports supplements in men” talks about how steroids affect men using scientific data. The first similarity between the two essays is steroids. Both essay main topic have to do with steroids, while the subjects with steroids may be different steroids are a consistent variable. “Lance Armstrong and the Cult of Positive Thinking” talks about steroids in a professional athlete while the essay “Adverse effects of sports supplements in men” talks about …show more content…

Both essays use men as there main subject and I think this is important because the science behind steroids can change drastically between the two genders of male and female. “Lance Armstrong and the Cult of Positive Thinking” essay uses Lance Armstrong as the main subject of focus while the essay “Adverse effects of sports supplements in men” essay uses a wide range of men to explore the use of steroids. Men are the second similarity between the two essays. The first difference between the two essays is the use of data. The essay “Lance Armstrong and the Cult of Positive Thinking” avoids the use of data throughout the essay while the essay “Adverse effects of sports supplements in men” uses it constantly. The author states “. The rate of use was 7.8% in men aged 19–30”. This quote shows the use of scientific data. The use of data is the first difference between the two