Compare And Contrast The Goals Of Lincoln, Grant, And Andrew Carnegie

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During one of America's crucial turning points, Lincoln, Grant, and Andrew Carnegie faced off on their own challenge of individual liberty each driven and influenced by their own perspective. To dive further into their challenges, Lincoln was on track to pulling together the Union in a fair and balanced state to follow the end of the war however understood securing the rights of the emancipated slaves was not going to happen overnight leading to a struggle of push and pull against both the Union and struggle for rights. Whereas Grant, who became president shortly after the victory in the war, went through the reconstruction period with the goal of creating a balance between his new job of vetoing and supporting new legislation for the reconstruction while keeping Lincoln's ideals. Carnegie, the leading steel production giant of the reconstruction period, wanted to publicize that this new change in our country's wealth must not blind us from the original goal of progress and advocated for no social hierarchies through the individual class. …show more content…

Both of which he emphasized the importance of, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”1 along with his assurance of “malice toward none”, 2 committing to his goal of a new patched Union and the forgiveness for all regarding the South and their ideals of slavery. His assertion of his own ideals of freedom and unity went past the crowd going as far as taking a more political approach as well; Lincoln supported the passage of the Civil Rights Act, granting equal protection under the law for all citizens.