First, at building the politcal parties, Alexadnria Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson both weren’t seeing eye to eye. They could never agree on anything. Hamilton beleived in a not so strict policy. He believed that you could bend the rules every now and then. But, Jefferson on the other hand didn’t think that at all. He believed that the country would run smoother with a strong and strict government. George Washington, the president at the time, could not decide on who he thought had the best idea. He needed a way to gain back the Americans trust and to make moeny, but both Hamilton and Jefferson were giving outstanding ideas to Washington on what he could do, Washington was just basially caught in the middle. After, Washington’s two years of …show more content…
The disagreements between them led to the Federalists taking over the North, while the anti-federalists were taking over the South.(Doc. A) The federalists were all in on with the constgitution. They saw nothing wrong with wanting it. Meanwhile, the anti-federalsits thought the constituiton gave the North too much power. So, Adams was gaining all the repsect of the federalists by the X,Y,Z affair, which was where he sent dipolnats to France to create a treaty were they were called to meet with three of their agents known as the X,Y,Z whom asked for a bride of thousands of dollars, when this news got over to America it led up to the Quazi-war or a huge disagreemnet. Jefferson was gaining all the respect from the anti-federalists by taking up for the …show more content…
They both believed in having their own opninons towards what they belive in so it made it hard for them to compromise about anything. Hamilton and the Federalists belived in a loose but wealthy government. They thought that more manufactoring and taraiffs would be a good impact on the country. He also thought of the idea of having a bank to keep all of the money from the taraiffs well organized, but Jefferson saw it as a more disagreeing sitution. Otherwise, Jefferson and Democratice Rebulicans belived in a strict and not so wealthy government. They thiought that there should be more landowners and agriculture with no taraiffs within the country. Washington stated in his farewll address to avoid polictial psrties, during the next predisency, so there would be this much arguing and disagreeing in the