Compare And Contrast The Relationship Between Colonists And American Indians

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Kevin Berrios AP US History Mr. Mazzulo American Indians and European Colonists In the 1600s, the early encounters between the American Indians and European colonists led to different relationships and cultures spreading amongst themselves. In the European colonization areas of New England, Chesapeake, Spanish Southwest, New York, and New France, the relationships were based on how they reacted to each other. Three factors that always played a role in the relationships were social, political, and economic. Even though, the colonists and Indians, at some times, were at peace, their unfamiliarity with each other led to trust issues and fights along the path to harmony. Relationships in the New England region started better off than …show more content…

From the beginning the colonists were pushing the Indians away, and didn’t even see them as people. This is where the social side comes into play. In the beginning the Indians actually tried to help the new colonists, but they pushed the Indians away before they were even given a chance. Tensions began to rise, and the political factor arose. The Powhatan War began due to many years of fighting and arguing between the Powhatan Indians and Colonists. This was one of the longest wars of this time starting in 1622 and ending in 1644. But, there wasn’t always fighting happening between these groups. Powhatan and his daughter Pocahontas fought for cooperation and this strengthened their bond between the colonists, but once when Powhatan died in 1618 the colonists knew they could overthrow the Indians. This war ended for the Indians in defeat. The Headright system was the introduced. A head right is a grant of land to all new coming settlers. Because none of the land as the colonists land, they could easily give away the Native Americans land. The Native Americans would not retaliate because they did not want war. Bacons Rebellion then occurred in 1676. This rebellion was led by Nathaniel Bacon and was caused by Governor Berkley’s refusal to punish the Indians for the recent attacks on settlements led by the colonists. Because of the headright system still in action, the economical side begins to show. With all of the Indians land going away the Indians offer their knowledge about crops in exchange for the tools and weapons the Colonists brought