Compare And Contrast The Scottsboro Trial And The Salem Witch Trial

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The Scottsboro Trails and the Salem Witch Trials compare and contrast in many ways. Both outcomes result in mass death and heartache due to hysteria. However the reasoning for these false accusing seem to differ.
Nine young men were falsely accused of raping two white women on a train near
Scottsboro, Alabama in 1931. ( Scottsboro Boys)These nine boys were riding the rails

to try and find work. They were taken off the train for a minor crime and then falsely ac- cused of the rapes. ( Scottsboro Boys) The Salem Witch Trials began in the Spring of

1692. This happened after a group of several local women claimed to be posed by devil and using witchcraft. This happened in Massachusetts. The first accused Witch was hanged in June’s. Eighteen others …show more content…

Arrest warrants were issued for Parris’ Caribbean slave, Titu- ba, Sarah Good and poor elderly Sarah Osborne. (History) The They went tried, Tituba

confessed, Good and Osbourne plead not guilty. (Elizabeth) Several others confessed.

In January 1697, the Massachusetts General Court declared the Trials unlawful. (Histo- ry) The Scottsboro Boys trial in 1931 is one of the product moments of America radicalism. The nine young black men were falsely accused of crime they did not commit. These nine boys were riding a train in Scottsboro, Alabama looking for work.
They were taken off the train in Scottsboro, Alabama and held on minor charges. Those arresting deputies found two white women and pressured them into accusing the boys

of raping them on the train. The crime of raping white women was an explosive accu- sation.( Scottsboro Boys)

These two trials were similar in the fact that both of these head people that were

put on trial and falsely accused for crimes they did not commit. In the Salem Witch Tri- als there were girls and women accused of being possessed by the devil and were do- ing bewitchment because of their actions. ( Granchi) (Elizabeth)They discovered …show more content…

(History) ( Scottsboro Boys) The American Com- munist Party took the case and sparked a mass defense movement. Their case turned

Beavers 3 into trial of the system of segregation and racism in America, this presaged the 1960
Civil Rights Movement.
The Salem Witch Trials executed by hanging too many young and older women for Witch craft and it was really not that at all. There were roughly twenty women hanged and possibly more because of these false accusations. There were many more lives lost in vain. The Scottsboro Trial was different, these nine young black men were falsely accused of a crime they did not commit. After the American Communist Party took the case and the National Association for the advancement of the colored people

joined with other Civil Rights organizations, eventually one of the white women came- forwarded to repudiate her testimony. ( Scottsboro Boys) The case went to United

State Supreme Court in 1937and the lives of the nine young men were saved.( Scotts-