Compare And Contrast Thomas Jefferson's Beliefs And Beliefs

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Jefferson and his followers shared very distinct ideals during his administration. The economy, education, and the culture and politics of the country were among his most premiered ideals, ones in which he focused a lot of time and energy on. When Jefferson and his followers, began their journey on setting forth and achieving their goals, they did everything to resist to any and all forms of aristocracy. They did not trust the aristocracy education system, the economy, and especially not the aristocracy politics.
As the power and publicity of Thomas Jefferson rose, he created the political party we have today, the Democratic Party. He wanted nothing more but to help the farmers throughout our country. He wanted to allow people to have the right to an education, because education makes the world, simply a better place. He wanted to help established a stability economy, not just for the rich white male, but he wanted everyone to able to trust the banking system, and have a chance. He wanted to develop the culture of the country. When you develop the culture, he gives the citizens more pride. And the politics, he wanted everyone to have a say in the leadership of their country. He wanted everyone to able to participate in elections, and he wanted the heads of state that sat in the …show more content…

The groups that did not show their support for the War of 1812 were the people of the North and the East, and the Federalists. The Federalists did not think the United States could win the war, and the negative impact it would have on the country, outweighed anything positive that the war would have on the county. The Federalists also worried about the money it would cost for the War of 1812 to occur, but their concerns did not really matter, as the war continued on for three years, with the United States eventually gaining the