Compare And Contrast Tornadoes And Hurricanes

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The roads are now oceans roads in the sky thanks to, tornadoes and hurricanes. The most famous natural disasters. Though hurricanes and tornadoes are similar they also have many differences. Hurricanes have different number of deaths or so called, casulties, compared to tornadoes. In addition, tornadoes don’t appear where hurricanes due. Also, the appearance between tornadoes and hurricanes are genuinely different.

Forexample , "storm surge" states hurricanes have extreme wind and flooding rains. Hurricanes have the appearance of massive storms, stated in shape and physical appearance descripition" the author states tornadoes are rapidly spinning columns of air. They then extend from the sky, then touch the ground. One thing in appearance …show more content…

With the exception of Anartica tornadoes have been visited by every continent. Tornadoes are most common in the united states but most likely occur in a region called, "Tornado Ally". Hurricanes in the U.S strike from near the african coastline befor travling in the Alantic Ocean. Hurricanes only apppear In the ocean and travel to land. Hurricanes are not possible to start in lakes river and streams. In a three year land fall, only five hurricanes make land fall in the untied states. All infromation was found in paragraph "Hurricanes in the us".

Due to hurricanes and tornadoes sevural deaths occur, caused by these events. In 2005 hurricanes katrina destroyed land animals houses and even lifes! Hurrican katrina caused thousand peapole to be killed looseing familt homes and pets. As source four states, most resident in the U>S have al ong time to evacutate but choose In the U>S the casulities of tornadoes are smaller compared to huricanes. The first reason pepole are killed by tornadoes is the warning are 13 minitues away, due to the are about un-predictable, unlike hurricanes give thirdty-six hour warning,stated by brain

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